Friday, 13 September 2013

Summer 2013!

So I'm sad to say that summer 2013 is over, it has probably been one of the busiest summers I've ever had, but it was also the best, I went to Ireland with one of my best friends, as her dad lives over there, and it was beautiful, I highly recommend going to southern Ireland, however remember to pack for all weather because it starts off quite miserable in the morning, and so you'll throw on every possible layer, and then as soon as you get outside, its 40 degrees (minor exaggeration haha), but apart from that I loved it!

Then, two days later me and my family, along with another good friend, we set off to Cornwall for 12 nights, and once again it was fabulous! We were lucky enough to only have one bad day of weather (shocking I know for England!) but for the most part we were on the beach, in the sea body boarding and having a great time! Although the best bit is definitely the ice cream - I had the honeycomb and caramel crunch EVERY day haha, incredibly bad but I was on holiday!!

Finally, me and my brother and also a few other people flew off to Germany!!!!! We all have friends over there (hence why I love the language) and so we went to visit them all, and luckily I didn't have to camp unlike everyone else as my lovely friend invited me to stay with her:) There was a blazing sun everyday, more ice cream haha and it was amazing to see friends I only see once a year. Before you ask, no there weren't any summer romances, much to my disappointment... but there's always next year;) I'm joking, that's weird, ignore me haha!

Then when I got back to boring home, I got to relax, sleep and see my friends who I hadn't really seen for a month and I missed them all sososo much! I suppose that's all for now, but yeah... that was my summer, it was amazing and I have got so many great memories:)

Auf Wiedersehen
    x x x

Ireland 2013
                                                                     Cornwall 2013

Germany 2013

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