Saturday 21 September 2013

Ok, its official... I am so incredibly bored I am contemplating doing my homework, on a SATURDAY night! I'm nearly 16! When I was little I thought that 16 year olds were with their friends every weekend, or seeing their boyfriend?! Well that definitely hasn't happened. Instead I'm sat in my room whilst my parents have friends round, browsing clothes websites wishing I had some money. It isn't fair!
I should probably start to revise for my maths GCSE that I have next month, especially as maths isn't my best subject (ha ha) (not funny I don't think) (oh well) but I'm in one of those moods where I'm sososo bored, and have loads of energy, but at the same time, if anyone suggested to do something I would probably say no, cause I cant be bothered, strange? Well, that is of course unless it was Douglas Booth *sigh* and he was offering to take me to America and spend as much money on me as possible...
I can dream cant I?

Well, I'm going to get back to, well, doing nothing, and daydream a bit more, it wont hurt.

Auf Wiedersehen
   x x x

1 comment:

  1. This post made me laugh because I remember needing to revise for my GCSE's last year and putting it off until the last minute haha! You just need to keep going, it'll be over soon... until A-Levels!!! Well done anyway!

    Tayla xx
