Friday 13 September 2013

New blogger...

This is strange... I've never done anything like this before, kind of like writing a diary, except without all the you know, details haha. So, I'm 15, just about to turn 16 *eek* and I thought, I'm sad that I wasn't the kind of child to keep a diary that I can look back on and laugh, so I thought, new age, new blog:)  I'm in my last year of school, and surprisingly, although parts of it have been really hard, and things have changed a lot over the years, I'm sad its coming to an end really.
Things like meeting new people who become your best friends, and experiencing new things (not all of them good I have to say), they make us who we become throughout these years and I've loved the majority of it:)

I'm really happy at the minute, my friends are great, schools ok, and I'm just happy in general, so please carry on reading my blog because I want to continue with it and let you know what's going on in my life!

Also, I'm trying to learn German, any tips would be great!

Auf Wiedersehen
        x x x

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